MojoHR User Guide


MojoHr User Guide

Content Page

  1. Introduction
  2. Quick Start
  3. Logging in
    1. Log in to Main Application
    2. Register as a New User
    3. Exit Application before log in
  4. Features
    1. Listing an Email
    2. Opening an Email
    3. Deleting an Email
    4. Archiving an Email
    5. Finding an Email
    6. Tagging an Email
    7. Composing an Email
    8. Sending an Email
    9. Editing an Email
    10. Counting Number of Email
    11. Sorting an Email
    12. Resetting the Password
    13. Printing the Help Menu
    14. Exiting the Application
  5. FAQ
  6. Command Summary


The HR department receives many emails from job seekers. A large portion of their day is spent clearing emails. Thus, our product seeks to allow the user to clear emails more efficiently by streamlining the process. This will reduce the time spent on clearing emails.

Quick Start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed.

  2. Download the latest version of MojoHr from here.

  3. cd to locate the file path of the JAR file that you have downloaded

  4. Run the following command: java -jar [JAR file name]

Logging in

Log in to main application: 1

Format 1

Enter email address:

Enter password: 5678

Example of usage:

 _________   _____   _____   _____
|  _   _  | |  _  | |_   _| |  _  |
| | | | | | | | | |   | |   | | | |
| | | | | | | |_| |  _| |   | |_| |
|_| |_| |_| |_____| |___|   |_____|

Select either 1 or 2 or 3 (use numbers): 
[Emails address are case sensitive!]
1. Log In 
2. Create a new account
3. Exit
Enter choice:
Enter email address:
Enter password:

Register as a new user: 2

Constrains for Creating of New Account(s)

1. Supported email domains for the current version of software are:


2. Password Constrains are:

  • Password should not contain any space.
  • Password should contain at least one digit(0-9).
  • Password length should be between 8 to 15 characters.
  • Password should contain at least one lowercase letter(a-z).
  • Password should contain at least one uppercase letter(A-Z).
  • Password should contain at least one special character ( @, #, %, &, !, $, etc….).

Format 2

Enter email address:

Enter password: joey987

Example of usage:

 _________   _____   _____   _____
|  _   _  | |  _  | |_   _| |  _  |
| | | | | | | | | |   | |   | | | |
| | | | | | | |_| |  _| |   | |_| |
|_| |_| |_| |_____| |___|   |_____|

Select either 1 or 2 or 3 (use numbers): 
[Emails address are case sensitive!]
1. Log In 
2. Create a new account
3. Exit
Enter choice: 
Enter email address:
Enter password:

Exit Application before log in: 3

Format 3

Example of usage:

 _________   _____   _____   _____
|  _   _  | |  _  | |_   _| |  _  |
| | | | | | | | | |   | |   | | | |
| | | | | | | |_| |  _| |   | |_| |
|_| |_| |_| |_____| |___|   |_____|

Select either 1 or 2 or 3 (use numbers): 
[Emails address are case sensitive!]
1. Log In 
2. Create a new account
3. Exit
Enter choice: 
Logging off... Hope to see you again in MojoHr!


listing an email: list

list different types of emails

Format: list TYPE

  • The TYPE refers to the type of emails they you want to display
  • TYPES are limited to list allemails, list inbox, list archive, list deleted, list draft, list junk , list sent
  • If you are a new user, you will have to compose some emails, if not email account is empty and list TYPE will return be empty

Example of usage

Enter Command:
list inbox
1. [Inbox][UNREAD]
|| Subject: S1
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-04-09T13:08:33
|| Tags: []
2. [Inbox][UNREAD]
|| Subject: S2
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-04-09T13:08:33
|| Tags: []
3. [Inbox][UNREAD]
|| Subject: S1
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-04-09T13:08:33
|| Tags: []

opening an email: read

Format: read INDEX

  • The INDEX refers to the index number shown in the displayed email list.
  • The INDEX must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
  • User must list TYPE first before they can read an email.

Example of usage:

Enter Command:
list Inbox
1. [Inbox][UNREAD]
|| Subject: S1
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-04-09T13:08:33
|| Tags: []
2. [Inbox][UNREAD]
|| Subject: S2
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-04-09T13:08:33
|| Tags: []
3. [Inbox][UNREAD]
|| Subject: S1
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-04-09T13:08:33
|| Tags: []
Enter Command:
read 1
|| Subject: S1
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-04-09T13:08:33
|| Tags: []
|| Content: 

Deleting an email: delete

Delete an email to the delete box or remove an email from delete box forever.

Format: delete INDEX

  • The INDEX refers to the index number shown in the displayed email list.
  • The INDEX must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …

  • If the displayed email list is not delete emails, move the email at the specified INDEX to the junk box.
  • If the displayed email list is delete emails, remove the email at the specified INDEX from the account forever.

Example of usage:

Enter Command:
list inbox
1. [Inbox][UNREAD]
|| Subject: S1
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-04-09T13:08:33
|| Tags: []
2. [Inbox][UNREAD]
|| Subject: S2
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-04-09T13:08:33
|| Tags: []
3. [Inbox][UNREAD]
|| Subject: S1
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-04-09T13:08:33
|| Tags: []
Enter Command:
delete 3
Move this email to deleted folder
Enter Command:
list deleted
1. [Deleted][UNREAD]
|| Subject: This is subject 3
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-02-20T08:30:00
|| Tags: [CS2113]
2. [Deleted][UNREAD]
|| Subject: This is subject 4
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-02-20T09:30:00
|| Tags: [School]
3. [Deleted][UNREAD]
|| Subject: This is subject 8
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-02-20T13:30:00
|| Tags: [IMPT]
4. [Deleted][UNREAD]
|| Subject: This is subject 11
|| From: --> To: [,,]
|| Time: 2021-02-20T16:30:00
|| Tags: []
5. [Deleted][UNREAD]
|| Subject: This is subject 1
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-02-20T06:30:00
|| Tags: []
6. [Deleted][UNREAD]
|| Subject: S1
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-04-09T13:08:33
|| Tags: []

Archiving an email: archive

Archive a not-archived email to the archive box.

Format: archive INDEX

  • The INDEX refers to the index number shown in the displayed email list.
  • The INDEX must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …

  • If the displayed email list is not archived emails, move the email at the specified INDEX to the archive box.
  • If the displayed email list is archived emails, no action will be done.

Example of usage:

Enter Command:
list inbox
1. [Inbox][UNREAD]
|| Subject: S1
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-04-09T13:08:33
|| Tags: []
2. [Inbox][UNREAD]
|| Subject: S2
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-04-09T13:08:33
|| Tags: []
Enter Command:
archive 1
Move this email to archive folder
Enter Command:
list archive
1. [Archive][UNREAD]
|| Subject: This is subject 5
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-02-20T10:30:00
|| Tags: []
2. [Archive][UNREAD]
|| Subject: This is subject 6
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-02-20T11:30:00
|| Tags: []
3. [Archive][UNREAD]
|| Subject: This is subject 4
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-02-20T09:30:00
|| Tags: []
4. [Archive][UNREAD]
|| Subject: S2
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-04-09T13:08:33
|| Tags: []

Finding an email: find

Find emails that contain a certain keyword.

Format: find KEYWORD

  • The KEYWORD refers to the keyword that the email’s subject or content should contain.
  • The KEYWORD can be any non-empty string.
  • The KEYWORD is case-ignored during the find.

Example of usage:

Enter Command:
list deleted
1. [Archive][UNREAD]
|| Subject: This is subject 5
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-02-20T10:30:00
|| Tags: []
2. [Archive][UNREAD]
|| Subject: This is subject 6
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-02-20T11:30:00
|| Tags: []
3. [Archive][UNREAD]
|| Subject: This is subject 4
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-02-20T09:30:00
|| Tags: []
4. [Archive][UNREAD]
|| Subject: S2
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-04-09T13:08:33
|| Tags: []
Enter Command:
find 11
1. [Deleted][UNREAD]
|| Subject: This is subject 11
|| From: --> To: [,,]
|| Time: 2021-02-20T16:30:00
|| Tags: []

tagging an email: tag

Tag an email with labels

Format: tag INDEX TAG1 TAG2 ...

  • The INDEX refers to the index number shown in the displayed email list.
  • The INDEX must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
  • The TAG# is a single word label that user wants to add.
  • User can add multiple tags to their email.
  • New tags overwrite old tags.
  • To remove tags, leave the tag field empty, i.e. tag INDEX
  • User must list TYPE first before they can tag an email.

Example of usage:

1. [Inbox][READ]
|| Subject: S1
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-04-09T13:08:33
|| Tags: []
2. [Inbox][UNREAD]
|| Subject: S2
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-04-09T13:08:33
|| Tags: []
3. [Inbox][UNREAD]
|| Subject: S1
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-04-09T13:08:33
|| Tags: []
Enter Command:
tag 1 CS2113 PE
You have successfully set the following tags [CS2113, PE]

composing an email: compose

Compose an email which will be saved to draft. The software will prompt user to enter the necessary details.

Format: compose

  • The program will ask for receiver’s email, email subject and content, and user should enter accordingly
  • User must enter /end to signify that it is the end of content

Example of usage:

Enter Command:
Please enter the details below in the correct order:
You can send to multiple recipents by appending email address with ";"
You should end content by typing "/end" in a newline
Dear Sir,

This is test content.

Email saved to draft at 2021-04-02T18:50:14

sending an email: send

Sends email(s) from draft


  • The INDEX refers to the index number of email in the draft list.
  • The INDEX must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
  • The MULTIPLE INDICES refers to the option of sending multiple emails in the draft list by separating each index with a space
  • User must list draft first before they can send an email
  • User must ensure that the email address of receiver exists in MojoHR’s system.

Example of usage:

Enter Command:
list draft
1. [Draft][UNREAD]
|| Subject: This is subject 3
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-02-20T08:30:00
|| Tags: []
2. [Draft][UNREAD]
|| Subject: LilySubject
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-03-30T15:30:09
|| Tags: []
Enter Command:
send 1
Email successfully sent to: [] at 2021-04-12T17:08:17

Editing an email: edit

Edits an email in draft

Format: edit INDEX

  • The INDEX refers to the index number of email in the draft list.
  • The INDEX must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
  • User must list draft first before they can send an email
  • The program will ask user if they want to edit the receiver’s email, subject or content
  • User should enter to, subject, or content when prompted and immediately enter the parts that the user wish to edit
  • If user wants to edit content, remember to enter /end to signify that it is the end of content

Example of usage:

Enter Command:
list draft
1. [Draft][UNREAD]
|| Subject: LilySubject
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-03-30T15:30:09
|| Tags: []
Enter Command:
edit 1
What would you like to edit? It must be one of [to, subject, content].
Email "to" successfully edited.

count number of email: number

Counts the number of a specific type of email

Format: number TYPE

  • The TYPE refers to the types of email.
  • Example of TYPE: `inbox, archive, deleted, draft, junk, sent, and allemails. ‘Emails’ refer to all emails

Example of usage:

Enter Command:
number inbox
You have a total of 3 INBOX emails

sorting an email: sort

Sorts order of emails according to time or Lexicographic order of sender’s email and prints them out.

Format: sort TYPE

  • The TYPE refers to the types of sorting methods.
  • Types of sorting methods: sender, time

Example of usage:

Enter Command:
sort time
Emails are sorted according to time
1. [Inbox][UNREAD]
|| Subject: S1
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-04-09T13:08:33
|| Tags: []
2. [Inbox][UNREAD]
|| Subject: S2
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-04-09T13:08:33
|| Tags: []
3. [Inbox][UNREAD]
|| Subject: S1
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-04-09T13:08:33
|| Tags: []
4. [Draft][UNREAD]
|| Subject: LilySubject
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-03-30T15:30:09
|| Tags: []
5. [Deleted][UNREAD]
|| Subject: This is subject 11
|| From: --> To: [,,]
|| Time: 2021-02-20T16:30:00
|| Tags: []
6. [Deleted][UNREAD]
|| Subject: This is subject 8
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-02-20T13:30:00
|| Tags: [IMPT]
7. [Sent][UNREAD]
|| Subject: This is subject 7
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-02-20T12:30:00
|| Tags: [CS2113, IMPT]
8. [Archive][UNREAD]
|| Subject: This is subject 6
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-02-20T11:30:00
|| Tags: []
9. [Archive][UNREAD]
|| Subject: This is subject 5
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-02-20T10:30:00
|| Tags: []
10. [Deleted][UNREAD]
|| Subject: This is subject 4
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-02-20T09:30:00
|| Tags: [School]
11. [Archive][UNREAD]
|| Subject: This is subject 4
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-02-20T09:30:00
|| Tags: []
12. [Deleted][UNREAD]
|| Subject: This is subject 3
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-02-20T08:30:00
|| Tags: [CS2113]
13. [Draft][UNREAD]
|| Subject: This is subject 3
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-02-20T08:30:00
|| Tags: []
14. [Deleted][UNREAD]
|| Subject: This is subject 1
|| From: --> To: []
|| Time: 2021-02-20T06:30:00
|| Tags: []

Resetting the password: reset

Reset the password for the user’s email account.

Format: reset

  • The program will aks for the old password from user.
  • If the old password is correct, the program will ask for the new password from user.
  • The number of wrong attempt is 3.
  • If the old password is wrong for 3 times, the program will back to main menu asking for command.
  • The new password should meet the following requirements:
    1. Password should not be the same as the old one.
    2. Password should not contain any space.
    3. Password should contain at least one digit(0-9).
    4. Password length should be between 8 to 15 characters.
    5. Password should contain at least one lowercase letter(a-z).
    6. Password should contain at least one uppercase letter(A-Z).
    7. Password should contain at least one special character ( @, #, %, &, !, $, etc….)

Example of usage:

Enter Command:
Please enter your old password:
Sorry your old password is wrong. Please try again!(2 times left!)
Please enter your old password:
Please be careful!
* Password should not contain any space.
* Password should contain at least one digit(0-9).
* Password length should be between 8 to 15 characters.
* Password should contain at least one lowercase letter(a-z).
* Password should contain at least one uppercase letter(A-Z).
* Password should contain at least one special character ( @, #, %, &, !, $, etc….).
Please enter your new password:
Your password has changed successfully!

Printing the help menu: help

Displays the list of commands and how to use them

Format: help

Example of usage:

Enter Command:
Hello! I'm MojoHR
 _________   _____   _____   _____
|  _   _  | |  _  | |_   _| |  _  |
| | | | | | | | | |   | |   | | | |
| | | | | | | |_| |  _| |   | |_| |
|_| |_| |_| |_____| |___|   |_____|
What can I do for you?
> Use the keyword "LIST (type) " to print the emails by types
!!! type must be one of: [allemails, inbox, archive, deleted, draft, junk, sent] !!!
> Use the keyword "READ (index) " to open the selected email
> Use the keyword "COMPOSE " to create a draft email
> Use the keyword "EDIT (index) " to edit email in the draft folder
> Use the keyword "SEND (index/ multiple indices) " to send email(s) in the draft folder
!!! indices should be separated with a space !!!
> Use the keyword "DELETE (index) " to delete the selected email
> Use the keyword "FIND (keyword) " to find the  email by keywords
> Use the keyword "ARCHIVE (index) " to move the selected email to the archive folder
> Use the keyword "TAG (index) (tag1) (tag2)..." to select the email for tagging labels
> Use the keyword "NUMBER (type)" to count the emails by types
!!! type must be one of: [allemails, inbox, archive, deleted, draft, junk, sent] !!!
> Use the keyword "SORT (type) " to sort all emails by types
!!! type must be one of: [time, sender] !!!
> Use the keyword "RESET" to reset the your account password
> Use the keyword "HELP" to print the menu
> Use the keyword "BYE" to exit

Exiting the application: bye

Exits the application

Format: bye

Example of usage:

Enter Command:
Logging off... Hope to see you again in MojoHr!


Q: How can I send emails to others?

A: Firstly, you should compose an email as a draft. Then, send the draft by send index.

Q: Can I edit the data files outside the software?

A: Users are not advised to edit data files as it would potentially corrupt them. Furthermore, in future versions, data files should be encrypted for security purpose.

Q: What are the supported email domains?

A: The supported email domains for the current version of software are [,,,]. More email domains would be supported in future versions.

Command Summary

  • List emails by type list TYPE
  • Opening an email to see the content read INDEX
  • Composing an email: compose
  • Sending email(s): send INDEX/MULTIPLE INDICES
  • Edit an email: edit INDEX
  • Delete emails to junk box delete INDEX
  • Find emails by keywords find KEYWORD
  • Archive emails archive INDEX
  • Tagging an email: tag INDEX
  • Get number of emails by type number TYPE
  • Sort order of emails by type sort TYPE
  • Reset the account’s password reset
  • Print help menu help
  • Exit application bye
Action Format, Examples
list list TYPE e.g., list inbox
read read INDEX e.g., read 1
compose compose
send send INDEX/MULTIPLE INDICES e.g., send 1, send 1 2
edit edit INDEX e.g., edit 1
delete delete INDEX e.g., delete 1
find find KEYWORD e.g., find content
archive archive INDEX e.g., archive 1
tag tag INDEX e.g., tag 1
number number TYPE e.g., number archive
sort sort TYPE e.g., sort time
reset reset
help help
bye bye
Command Example
log in Enter Choice: 1
Email Address:
Register as new user Enter Choice: 2
Email Address:
Log out Enter Choice: 3
all emails list allemails
inbox list inbox
archive list archive
deleted list deleted
draft list draft
junk list junk
sent list sent
Compose Command  
compose compose
example subject
example content
Edit Command  
edit edit INDEX
to to
subject subject
new example subject
content content
this is new example content
Send Command  
Read Command  
read read INDEX
Delete Command  
delete delete INDEX
Archive Command  
archive archive INDEX
Find Command  
find find KEYWORD
Tag Command  
tag tag INDEX TAG1 TAG2 ...
Number Command  
all emails number allemails
inbox number inbox
archive number archive
deleted number deleted
draft number draft
junk number junk
sent number sent
Sort Command  
time sort time
sender sort sender
Reset Command  
reset reset
Help Command  
help help
Bye Command  
bye bye